Friends Come And Go But Family Stays Forever!
This year has been kinda rough on the whole family.But were all working and getting by.We have all stuck together.But I have learned to the good with the bad and take it one day at a time,even when things seem impossible.These pictures are just the best in my opion of me,my brother Jay and my lil cutie cousin Vanessa=]
This is my brother Jay and Vanessa.Vanessa is only six and the things she says it's soo funny.
She Can put a smile on anyones face=]

This picture is the best picture of 2008!Its funny cuz at y house Jays room used to be blue.He painted it!!!!ITS WHITE!!Its soo funny.Jays room at his dads house is now blue!!This is such a long story!!!

left -> Right
Me Pat and Ash!
Pat is my boyfriend and he is so caring and lovling! And Ash is my bffl and I miss them soo much,but we all stay in touch even though I moved!